Application and DB server for MES PHARIS
The server, needed for the running of the application and database tiers of the MES PHARIS system, can be implemented as physical or virtual machine. On this server should not be used other SW applications as MES PHARIS and its databases. The server must be time-synchronized with nearby computers.
For security reasons, we recommend connecting terminals and servers to a separate network without direct access to the internet.
HW Requirements
- CPU: processor minimal performance = (2GHz + (0,08GHz * (number of assigned Machines + number of client licences MES PHARIS)) / Number of processor cores).
- RAM: we recommend at least 16-20 GB, the following calculation can be used as a guide: 2 * (8GB + (50MB * (number of assigned Machines + number of client licences MES PHARIS))).
- Data Storage:
- Aplication server (OS, SQL, MES PHARIS): 200-500 GB.
- DB storage:
- Production DB: 250 GB.
- Historian DB: example of the calculation you can find here Configuration - Calculation - Required space for historian DB
- Others(DB Logs, MES PHARIS Logs, IIS Logs, PHARIS Files Attachments): 300+ GB.
- 2 x Network Card: 1 Gbit.
SW Requirements
- Operation system last edition, i. e. Windows Server 2019 or higher one. English or Czech version.
- MS SQL Server last edition, i. e. 2019 or higher. English version.
Server for Detailed Scheduling
"Detailed Scheduling" feature in MES PHARIS needs its own virtual machine, running on Linux (Debian). Image of this virtual machine provides supplier of the MES PHARIS system. You should run the virtual PC in a system environment reaching at least the parameters below:
Environment Requirements
- Performance: processor minimal performance = 4 cores, 2,5 GHz.
- Memory: >4 GB.
- Data Storage: >20 GB.
- Network Card: 1 Gbit.
- Any virtualization environment, capable to run the virtual machine.
Specialized Servers for Communication With Production Machines
Consult with specialists of the supplier, if some resources are needed to ensure communication of MES PHARIS system with machines in your production plants, if implemented in your implementaiton project.